Saturday, January 30, 2010

pictures for the peek-a-boo toast post... < rhyme

Lovelies! During Preparation....Cheers! I will say that a lot when I get back from visiting the queen...
Upside down attempt #1.
The better attempt. I am cut out instead of this one. And there is no bright light. Just my computer's reflection. Which I think is artistic.
... and then Jenna fell off the bed.

Love Love LOVE until next time my fair ladies.

peek-a-boo toast

We decided to call that yummy dish where you take the middle out of french toast and fil it with an egg "peek-a-boo toast." This is a picture of mine, I couldn't even wait to take a picture, I had to eat before I could snap one. Yeah. They are that good.

It was a great evening. Jillian was waiting for her FAVORITE Auntie to come and so she was a right little ray of sunshine, and we had attractive hometeacher's come over in the middle and then they were praying and etc left and right. But we had a great time all around. More pictures next...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Breakfast in...China?

Ok so I can't leave comments on the posts, but I can post my own so this will have to do.
I love and miss you girls and hope you keep having wonderful breakfasts, because they're not so great here. And I think I ate a cat or dog last night. No bueno. I mean bu hao shi. Or something like that.


the incredible, edible egg

So HERE is our first breakfast of the semester. I took it with my new awesome CAMERA. It is so rad. We have now had three breakfasts and they have all starred eggs.
Breakfast ONE [here depicted]: German pancakes (p.s. eggs are a key ingredient) (p.p.s. you don't need to put a cup of sugar in them)
Breakfast TWO: Eggs + toast (just me and Jenna.. Kimmy had a dance concert to go to)
Breakfast THREE: Steak and Eggs (so good. Holy crap.)
We were all still having pity parties on the night in the picture, breakfast ONE. All for our different reasons, but I like to think we're doing better. Right girls?

I got a new phone. It's made of corn. I'm doing my part to save the earth.
Um... Updates?
  • I am doing p90x. For reals this time. Sort of.
  • Kimmy is the world's best dance ed major. I know; I visited her at school and everybody said so.
  • Jenna stood in a crowded elevator for.. an hour was it? These are the sacrifices she makes to be an educated artist.
Other than that, here we are.. just rocking P-Town to it's limit.
If you are reading this and are not here with us,
We love you and we miss you. Come back to the breakfast club when you can!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Greetings from "Narnia" friends!! Just to let you know, I ate balls of fat the other day. Beat that. I'm going veggie and it's delicious here. Looking forward to talking to you soon.
